CY acknowledgement: Royal London (staircase) was made possible thanks to Vital Arts, NHS Trust and Wellcome Trust. Royal London hospital: related to the film Catherine is making with Wellcome trust....
CY acknowledgement: Royal London (staircase) was made possible thanks to Vital Arts, NHS Trust and Wellcome Trust.
Royal London hospital: related to the film Catherine is making with Wellcome trust. She photographed a tall winding staircase well in the old building, looking up to a skylight at the top.
She also sent this to RT 9/10/13
'This is part of a series of photographs and a film about the demolition of the Royal London hospital. Ambiguous if you are falling down or going up, and in context of hospital living or dying, losing balance and orientation. The image is also a metaphor for the falling hospital and the crumbling NHS - in case you want to bring that into it.........'
Comments from Catherine:
Catsou Roberts from Vital Arts came to the talk at jcc tonight. Vital arts have provided the access to the royal London. They are the organisation working for the royal London and Barts hospitals to provide art. If the Wellcome continues to fund the film we are discussing showing it at the hospital in the old buildings, or at Wellcome Trust in Euston. Not sure if you are familiar with the Wellcome but they are a medical foundation which sponsors the arts and have an ambitious art programme directed by James Peto. I have been lucky enough to have been supported for two previous projects by them.
I also think it is good to indicate that the light box is from a wider body of work which is supported by organisation.