Dorothea Tanning
117.8 x 90.5 x 3.2 cm / 46 3/8 x 35 5/8 ins, framed
Further images
Collection the artist
The Destina Foundation, New York
Dorothea Tanning: Works 1942-1992, Camden Arts Centre, London, 17 September - 21 November 1993, brochure
Dorothea Tanning: Om Konst Kunde Tala (If Art Could Talk), Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden, (retrospective), 3 April - 16 May 1993, catalogue, cat. no. 15
La Femme et le Surréalisme, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, 21 November 1987- 28 February 1988, catalogue
Dorothea Tanning: Oeuvre, Centre National D'Art Contemporain, Paris, 28 May - 8 July 1974 (retrospective), exhibition catalogue, Peintures: cat. no. 28
Dorothea Tanning, Casino Communal, Brussels, Belgium, XXe Festival Belge D'Été, June - August 1967, catalogue, cat. no. 28
Le Surréalisme: sources, histoire, affinités, Galerie Charpentier, Paris, April - August 1964, catalogue, cat. no. 291, titled “L’Etreinte”
Exposition de trois peintres americains: deux Tourangeaux - un Parisien: Max Ernst, Man Ray, Dorothea Tanning, Festival International du Court Metrage, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, 10 November - 16 December 1956, brochure, cat. no. 40, titled “L’Etreinte”
Dorothea Tanning, Arthur Jeffress Pictures, London, 22 February - 19 March 1955, cat. no. 1
Dorothea Tanning: Peintures 1949-1954, Galerie Furstenberg, Paris,
7-30 May 1954, cat. no. 17 (exhibited as “L’étreinte”)Literature
McAra, Catriona. "Kaleidoscope Eyes: Cytherean Voyages in the Post-Surrealist Practice of Dorothea Tanning." Dorothea Tanning: Unknown but Knowable States. San Francisco: Gallery Wendi Norris, 2013, pp. 10, 15Carruthers, Victoria. “Between Silence and Sound: John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhausen and the Sculptures of Dorothea Tanning.” Art, History and the Senses: 1830 to the Present. Patrizia Di Bello and Gabriel Koureas, eds. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2010, pp. 100-101
Tanning, Dorothea, quoted in Sundberg, Martin. "The Metamorphosis of Dorothea Tanning: On the Painting Insomnias." Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 79, no. 1 (March 2010), p. 23
Sundberg, Martin. "The Metamorphosis of Dorothea Tanning: On the Painting Insomnias." Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 79, no. 1 (March 2010), note 16 p. 31
Colvile, Georgiana M.M. “Women Artists, Surrealism and Animal Representation,” in Allmer, Patricia, ed. Angels of Anarchy:
Yablonsky, Linda. “Surrealist Views From a Real Live One.” The New York Times, 24 March 2002, p. 35 (colour, with artist)
Bailly, Jean-Christophe. “Image Redux: The Art of Dorothea Tanning.” Dorothea Tanning. New York: George Braziller, 1995 p. 27, 46
MacRitchie, Lyn. “Painting is life or death, every time.” Financial Times, 9-10 October 1992, p.23
Kent, Sarah. “Dorothea Tanning.” Time Out, 6-13 October 1993, p. 44
Buck, Louisa. “Dorothea Tanning: Works 1942-1992.” Exhibition guide. London: Camden Arts Centre, London, 1993
Madestrand, Bo. “I et-hundens famn.” Expressen, April 22, 1993
Klinthage, Jörgen. “Säger inte det målade allt?—Dorothea Tanning på Malmö Konsthall.” Hallandsposten, May 4, 1993
Schmied, Wieland. “KUNSTmonographie Dorothea Tanning: Die Türen des Unbewussten.” KUNSTmagazin 89 (June 1980), p. 24
Russell, John. “Le ‘Moi’ multiforme de Dorothea Tanning.” Dorothea Tanning: Numero Special de XXe Siècle. Paris: Editions XXe Siècle, 1977, p. 56
Nochlin, Linda. “Reviews: Dorothea Tanning at C.N.A.C.” Art in America 62, no. 6 (November 1974), p. 128
“Paris: Dorothea Tanning.” L’Oeil (June 1974), (black-and-white).
Furhange, Maguy. “Dorothea Tanning: ‘De graves réponses que je ne puis autrement formuler.’” Nice Matin, June 17, 1974
“Dorothea Tanning.” Mizue 803 (December 1971), p. 76 (black-and-white)
Tanning, Dorothea. “Note Bibliographique.” Dorothea Tanning. Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert Éditeur, 1966, p. 152
Carruthers, Victoria. Dorothea Tanning: Transformations. London: Lund Humphries, 2020, cat no. 75, p. 94, illustrated in colour p. 95
Women Artists and Surrealism. Exhibition catalogue. London: Prestel and Manchester Art Gallery, 2009, p. 66
Tanning, Dorothea. Between Lives: An Artist and Her World. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2001, p. 213
Bailly, Jean Christophe. Dorothea Tanning. New York: George Braziller, 1995, plate 65, p. 102 (colour)
Russell, John. “The Several Selves of Dorothea Tanning.” Dorothea Tanning. Retrospective exhibition catalogue. Malmö,
Sweden: Malmö Konsthall, 1993, pp. 24, 25Billeter, Erika, and José Pierre. La Femme et le Surrealisme. Exhibition catalogue. Lausanne: Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, 1987, ill. 6, p. 386 (black-and-white)
Dorothea Tanning: 10 Recent Paintings and a Biography. Exhibition catalogue. New York: Gimpel-Weitzenhoffer Gallery, 1979, unpaginated (black-and-white)
Plazy, Gilles. Dorothea Tanning. Paris: Éditions Filipacchi, 1976, p. 31 (colour)
Dorothea Tanning: Oeuvre. Retrospective exhibition catalogue. Paris: Centre National D'Art Contemporain, 1974, p. 35 (colour)
Pierre, José. “Dorothea Tanning.” Surrealism, a volume in the History of Art series, London: Heron Books, 1970, p. 199 (black-and-white)
Dorothea Tanning, Casino Communal, XXe Festival Belge D'Été, exhibition catalogue. Brussels: André de Rache, 1967, p. 31, cat. no. 28 (black-and-white)
Bosquet, Alain. Dorothea Tanning. Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert Éditeur, 1966, p. 75 (colour)
Dorothea Tanning. Exhibition brochure. London: Arthur Jeffress Pictures, London, 1955, cat. no. 1, p. 2 (black-and-white)
Dorothea Tanning: Peintures 1949-1954. Exhibition brochure: Galerie Furstenberg, Paris, 1954, cat. no. 17, p. 5 (black-and-white), exhibited as “L’étreinte”