The work in this show is part of a larger project that has been preoccupied with a volume of engravings by Claude Nicholas Ledoux, specifically his 'House of the Agricultural...
The work in this show is part of a larger project that has been preoccupied with a volume of engravings by Claude Nicholas Ledoux, specifically his 'House of the Agricultural Guards for Maupertuis.' This image of a building, an uncompromising sphere set in in an Arcadian landscape, speaks of a concern for geometry and symmetry that is seemingly shared by the space of the Neubauer Collegium, a former Unitarian seminary. The works draw on a text from a previous exhibition that I made in Vassiviere CIAP, itself a visionary building on an artificial lake, designed by Aldo Rossi who was also influenced by Ledoux. Like Ledoux's image, these works perhaps never quite emerge from their oscillation between proposition and model....