INFO ON WORK: Part of ‘Kneaded Eraser’ series. Pun on ‘kneaded’- erasers from which they were made. Row upon row of grey vulvas were lined up in grids on white...
INFO ON WORK: Part of ‘Kneaded Eraser’ series. Pun on ‘kneaded’- erasers from which they were made. Row upon row of grey vulvas were lined up in grids on white boards. At first glance they look prim but on closer inspection- they are a delightfully naughty variation on the post-minimalist grid. This effect/formation is used in various other series- in other versions she used postcards as backdrops and arranged the vulvas to look like troops in formation/shadow architecture
Collection of the artist By descent to Marsie, Emanuelle, Damon, and Andrew Scharlatt Hannah Wilke Collection & Archive, Los Angeles, USA
Hannah Wilke: Gestures, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, The State University of New York, USA, 3 October - 25 January 2009 Hannah Wilke, Alison Jacques Gallery, London, UK, 27 September - 21 December 2018
Hannah Wilke: Gestures. Harris: Neuberger Museum of Art, 2008, p33