the painting relates to Tanning's sculpture 'Time and Place' from 'Hotel du Pavot, (Poppy Hotel Room 202) Chambre 202' 1973. Exhibited in 1974 at her retorspective at the Centre National...
the painting relates to Tanning's sculpture "Time and Place" from "Hotel du Pavot, (Poppy Hotel Room 202) Chambre 202" 1973. Exhibited in 1974 at her retorspective at the Centre National d'Art Contemporain, Paris. Anthorpomorphi furniture arranged like a theatre or film. the work relates to Tanning's preoccupation with th fantastic and other-worldly. Moreover the placd where the boundary bettwen physical "place" and psychic space collapses and provides the perfect metaphor for the unconsicour and the imagination. Aside from the table and chair forms, The fireplace and chimney breast reveal fantastical forms bulging and seeping from the fireplace. Time and place is a chinmey breast made from tweed. form is a human breast and there appears to be a naval . The idea that something is emanating or being expelled suggests a birth of sort. The hearth is a kinf of heart breathing life into the space - suggests a magical spac. The hearth as a passageway - from the inside to the outside, siggests both a birth canal but also a threshold ito another reality. In Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass, Alice enters the 'other side" by climbing up onto her hearth to get a closer look at the mirror resting above the mantelpiece. A haunted room. Two worlds. the pink figures caught between.