INFO ON WORK: Email from Kathleen (26.07.21): ''Written in Water' (1979.04) and 'Untitled' (1979.03) are two identical “arms” of Tawney’s 'Four-Armed Cloud', 1979. Although 'Written in Water' is now in...
INFO ON WORK: Email from Kathleen (26.07.21): "'Written in Water' (1979.04) and 'Untitled' (1979.03) are two identical “arms” of Tawney’s 'Four-Armed Cloud', 1979. Although 'Written in Water' is now in the collection of the JMKAC, 'Untitled' (1979.03) is in the Foundation’s collection and available.
'Cloud' took me right off the loom," Tawney said, "and there I was hanging from the ceiling.” While her work has taken many forms, thread remained at its core. "Every one of my boxes is full of thread, and there is thread in my collages too," she said. "We wear fiber and are closer to fiber than almost anything else. It's our diapers -- and our shrouds.”
John Michael Kohler Arts Center (JMKAC), Sheboygan, Wisconsin
'Lenore Tawney: Mirror of the Universe',John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, US, 6 October 2019 - 7 March 2020 'Lenore Tawney: Fiber, Collage, Assemblage', Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, Maryland, US, 13 November - 13 December 1992