The Artist The Estate of Lenore Tawney The Lenore G. Tawney Foundation, New York
Lenore Tawney: Mirror of the Universe, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, US, 6 October 2019 - 7 March 2020 Lenore Tawney: Visions in Time, BrattleboroMuseum and Art Center, Brattleboro, Vermont, US, 2003
Lenore Tawney: Mirror of the Universe. Edited by Karen Patterson. Sheboygan / Chicago: John Michael Kohler Arts Center / The University of Chicago Press, 2019. Exhibition catalogue. Illustrated in colour, p. 168. Lenore Tawney: In Poetry and Silence. The Work and Studio of Lenore Tawney. Sheboygan: John Michael Kohler Arts Center, 2019. Exhibition brochure. Illustrated in colour no. 67, p. 19.